Monday, November 21, 2011

Ouch and other randomnization

Yes, most of this was on already on facebook. But since I started blogging, it feels more and more like FB is a void where things go, instead of a place for things to be put. Does that make sense. Still use it like crazy (so very useful, for things not quite worth an email). But man, I will always wish back five years ago, when I wanted a way to show my mom her growing grandson when we lived far away in Memphis Tennessee.... I wish I'd chose blog instead. Oh well.  Se la ve.

On to the randomness!!!

1.Levi's big ouch. Crash in the bath. He's pretty daring in the ol' tub. I was out and sam called me pretty frantic. 
"you hafta come home!" 
"Um, what happened?"
 "Levi hurt himself bad!"
"Hurt hiimself , how?"
"He feel in the tub" (Sam was right there when it happened, incase you were wondering about the degree of my babysitters' vigilance)
"Is he bleeding?"

Sam was more shookk up than Levi I think. Poor kid. After some instructions to give him some baby Tylenol,  and lots of snuggles and a bottle, I assured Sam,  "he'll be fine."

 And he is.

Minus one doozy of a shiner!
This was my first glimpse this morning.

 He doesn;t seem too traumatized.
At least it wasn't McKye. 
Maybe Levi will cool it on his bath time stunts. (Doubtful)

2.Speaking of daring....

(this is not the only place he tries this, like his proud face at the end)

3. Another "Seriously???" moment
While I was already cleaning up this:

I went down stair to find this:

( he couldn't believe I would take such fun away)

4.Okay, these two and their love hate relationship.

They can go from playing really well, to total war. 
I'm so tired of telling McKye to leave Levi alone. (Yes, yes, I know there will be years of this yet!) The problem is I'm quite certain McKye has figured out that picking on Levi is the quickest way to get his mamma's attention. Sadly, it's a case of I'll take any attention I can get, even if it's getting in trouble. It's one of those I know what I need to do, but I I kept falling into the same situation (me loosing it, feeling bad, trying to tell myself I hafta start being better, only to be disappointed when it happens again, and Me Levi and McKye all end up in tears.)

Suggestions welcomed.

When I decide to keep McKye home another year, I remember getting the distinct answer that it was so he and Levi could learn to love each other. And while somedays I see their brotherhood growing, most days I'm just hoping they don't kill each other.

5. The other reason McKye didn't start preschool was the ol' potty training. Which while we've made lots of headway, there are still lots of days our "potty-training" feel more like a game of "see how fast we can make a whole another load of laundry for mommy!"

We did have our first EVER poop on the potty!!! ( I was on the phone and my friend got to have her ear drums blown out by my "Wa-hooo ing!!!!!" And no, for once I did NOT take a picture:)

6. I did however take a picture of this grossness. I call it:

"My Breakfast"

Every morning, I pour myself a bowl of cereal, and then some emergency happens. Knees need kissed better (or the occasional tongue...true story),  spills need soped up, yet another brother mauling needs broken up) and before I know it, I sit down to this culinary delight of super soggy cereal which I eat because, well if I poured another bowl, it's just gonna end up as the sequel. 
Breakfast of champions.  Mmmmm.

7. McKye finally discovered Dora. Diego's been a round a while, but now I'm officially a parent of the...2000's...decades are not so catchy in this millenium are they?) 
Theres an  episode "We all scream for ice cream". The first time he watched it, I musta been feel like a "fun mum" cuz I let him eat ice cream cone while he watched. Big mistake. Now every time he asks for ice cream cone. 
Actually he calls it a
 "i" cone. 

(and another) Seriously???
The actual i-products, he refers to as "MY"-phone and "MY"-pad.

My friend thought of me when she saw

All it really proves is, you can want your kids to do and be things (healthy eaters, active, scripture readers) but in the end they'll mostly just do what they see YOU do.  I keep feeling like, man my kids have too much technology in their life, but then I realize, here I am on the computer right now. Sigh. Levi just walked by chewing on an i-pad. Double sigh.

Really this kid is so exasperating and so cute right now.

Mckye dones't necessarily say tons of cute things, but right now he just says everything in such cute ways. My first talking kid. Although over night he hit the "why" phase with a vengeance. 

We teach him great phrases like 
"Thanks mommy, you're the best!" 
It was Ben who started it, but I wasn't about to let daddy be the best.