Monday, March 6, 2017

Beautiful Banff with my Benny

Such a great weekend. As we packed up for Banff, Hadley kept asking "Where you going mommy?"

"I'm going to go be with Daddy, in the mountains!"

And I showed her some pictures from our little day trip to Waterton. 

"Oooooo!" she said. And was fine with us going
because I think she got the message--Mommy and daddy are so important to each other, they want to hang out and do something special the same way we she likes special time with each of us.

Time away as a couple really isn't about getting away from the kids, as much as it is getting to BE with each other! And I realize that's what I need to emphasize to my kids. 

We probably wouldn't have planned another get away so soon after out little stay-cation. 

But when Ben's friend Patrick, founder of the  Lethbridge Sports and Social Club, invited us to come along, we just couldn't resist.

It was really awesome to talk to him on the way up, and through out the weekend about his vision and plans for his company and our weekend hanging out with him, encapsulated many of his purposes and goals as I perceived them-

-we explored  local attractions (were tourists in our own province, seeking out and appreciating the many amazing things we have right her in Alberta)

-we enjoyed nature  (ice walked on Grotto Cannon in Canmore Provincial Park, went out door skating, went to the hot springs and snowshoeing in Banff) while stretching ourselves a bit (physically and comfort zone wise....he is all about encouraging "novices" to have a venue to explore and develop their skills, in a fun verses a more competitive environments)

-and we socialized and enjoyed one another company, getting to know one another better. Patrick wants to provide a place to meet new people, and associate with people you might not other wise. A rather quiet guy himself (no wonder him and Ben get along so well), I love that he still see the need and value for us to create shared experiences. 

He is truly trying to supply people with programming that will nourish them in multi-faucets of their life, and bring a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment in greater depth. I am super impressed with his dedication and determination to reach out to people and offer them these kinds of meaningful experiences. And our weekend was a perfect taste of all of it!
Go Patrick!

Grotto Canyon

I wish I'd figured out years ago that winter was a better time for Ben to enjoy nature.
Ben gets crazy bad allergies, and ends up feeling hot and stuffed up and  just pretty miserable when we attempted too much nature in the summer months (which is also waaaay busier for him work wise) But
winter works great! (the drone probably helps too;)

The Canyon was beautiful was the wild life?????

Patrick, Ben ....and his drone

Ben had more fun shoveling off the rink then he did skating

It's been soooo long since I've got to skate outside
(inside just isn't the same!!!) It was my one request for the weekend.

Our final outing was snowshoeing...up to a beautiful view!

I was dying when Ben flew his drone of this cliff, it was soooooo nerve racking!

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