Friday, February 24, 2017

A Wonderful day in Wintery Waterton

Last week, while the kids were off school we spent some kid free days on a "Staycation" thanks to our awesome moms who took a few kids each (cuz unfortunately I know how dang difficult all five of them are together ;)

We had such a great time, got a few home projects done (not nearly as many as I over-zealously planned for), went to lunch with friends, went to yoga, did a break out room (of course) and just enjoyed being just us. 

My very favorite day we spent in Waterton, snowshoeing up to Cameron lake. I was pretty much giddy the whole time, soaking in all the vitamin D filled sunshine gleaming off the picturesque snow.

I've been so bad about getting my "big camera" out, but I was very glad I did-- though my rusty photography skills definitely won't do justice to the winter mountain's beauty. 

Ben's brother Dan and his lovely wife Kendra came along for the adventure.
They were total troopers, as it was all our first times snowshoeing.  Dan even let us take pictures....okay he didn't really have a choice.

I was just trying to adjust my settings but I love this ready-whenever-my -wife-points-her-camera-my-way-smile that my hubby has totally mastered.

Not gonna lie, I sure love that I can hand my camera over to Kendra and 
get some good shots of us too. She's the best.

And I sure love to return the favour!
Such a cute couple, right?!?!?

"Please Daniel? Chelsea's only gonna take a hundred more!"

He was a good sport. 

Meanwhile, Benny had a great time playing with his drone.

And I had fun playing with my camera and the amazing light as the sun sunk behind the mountain.
Just testing my exposure

So I could take a selfie with my gorgeous sister in law 
Having been around Ben's family for half my life now, it's so interesting to have new in laws join the family. It's been so fun getting to know them and having fresh perspectives and ways of thinking being added in to our family's existed dynamics.

I have totally hit the jack-pot with all my sisters in law, and Kendra sure is included on that list I feel so grateful for.

She is SOOOOOO good with Daniel, I love watching how their relationship works, and a lot of that can be contributed to Kendra's incredible balance  she maintains between her patient-accepting side with her ain't gonna-take-no-crap spunk,  both of which I adore. I can tell she is fiercely loyal. And perhaps because of this extreme commitment to those she cares for, she doesn't just let anyone in. There's no half ways to love in this girls world.

On the way back in to Lethbridge, Daniel decided he had definitely earned himself some Ming's. We ran into Kendra's Dad during our stop and it was so sweet to watch the love--so obvious because there was no holding back. Car doors were swung open and out loud "I love you's"  followed big enveloping hugs.

We have so much to learn from this girl's fearless way of loving.

And I can't wait.

Can't wait-- for all I'm gonna learn from this "new sister" of mine, and for the many, many  more adventures yet to come! 

PS snowshoeing is really glad I jumped on the bandwagon!

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