Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Lovely Baby Evelyn

This sweet baby girl is joining one of my fav families. Man, it's so interesting getting "older". It's so interesting seeing a little human and loving them, just because you love their parents. Wondering about her little life, just because so many highlights of your own life are tied to the people who created her. 

I knew Meg in high school. She was the "girl next door" that Ben crushed on as a kid. She was fun and always so inclusive, in a way that set her apart. When Ben suggested we room together in Edmonton while we went to school, I wasn't so sure, but man alive am I glad we did. Even though I was a total stick in the mud and rarely joined in for the late night escapades her and some of our other roommates regularly embarked on (I still look at some of my studious-ness with a slight feeling of waste) she still made me feel a part of it. I was an early bird and she was a night owl, but when every so often we actually did end up in our  shared bedroom, both awake at the same time, she was so willing to let me in, without the normal pretences. I always appreciated that about Meg, despite her talent for fun she could be real, so fast. 

It's still like that. And it leaves me always wishing we were a more regular part of each other's lives.

But then, I guess I've been spoiled. When we first moved to Lethbridge, young couples with a baby each, we hung out pretty non-stop. She knows how to gather people, whether it's a big elaborate party, or just a last minute get together, she has a genuineness and a generosity that I'm still trying to learn to emulate.  We did a road trip up to Edmonton one time (a story I always tell to give an example of how tight we were) and even though we had spent the whole weekend together and only lived 5 minutes away, we ended up sleepover, just cuz we didn't want the fun to end.

It wasn't only fun. Meg was with me the summer in Texas we prepared to diagnose Aaron. I'll always remember the day I confided in her that we had him on waiting lists back at home, and her expressing such relief, "Oh! I'm so glad you know! I didn't know how I was going to tell you!" Having worked with kids on the spectrum before, she had totally recognized his behaviours but didn't know if we had come to the same conclusion. She talked me through soooo many things that summer. I will always be grateful that it was her that was with me as I tried to wade my way through so many new emotions. She helped so much, and still to this day I rely on some of the realizations and opinions about being a special need parent that she helped me come to.

One of the books I'm reading right now talks about how "less secure children can become more secure adults" and how "healthy friendships" can play such a huge role in that process. My friendship with Megan is for sure one of those security increasing relationships that I am deeply indebted to.

There are parts of me (my inner-hippie for instance, my theatre enthusiast, actually even my love of photography) that I totally owe to Meg! Her own confident and whole-hearted approach to life has so completely inspired me in so many little ways to live more true, more fully. She knows who she is and not only accepts people for who they are but with that love, invites them to be brave enough to give themselves permission to be their best selves too.

And this is the women you get as a mother, Evelyn. You lucky, lucky girl. 
Love you Meg.


Just Rhonda said...Best Blogger Tips

ah these are so lovely and your words made me wish I knew cause she sounds lovely!! Great job Chels!!